Carrot facts and general information about carrots.
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Carrots are Available:
Grown in the summer. Available year round in the grocery stores.
How Do Carrots Grow:
A Carrot is grown from a tiny seed. It is a root vegetable like
If the tops are on, look for crisp leaves with no moldy or mushy
parts to them, nor any cracks or nicks on the carrots. If
prepackaged inspect bag closely.
Carrot Facts-Storage Tips:
Store in refrigerator
How to Cook Carrots:
Wash well and peel. Eat as is or as a snack or chopped in salads,
soups, side dishes.
Carrot Nutrition Facts:
Carrots are high in Beta Carotene which helps in healthy vision.
They also help your heart and immune system be healthy.
Carrots are also a great source of fiber and Vitamin C.
Carrot Recipes
Carrot Oatmeal
Carrot Soup
1 lb. ground beef
2 1/2 Cups grated or pureed carrots
1/2 Cup diced celery
1/2 Cup diced green peppers
1/2 Cup diced or pureed onions
Salt and pepper
Brown hamburger in a large saucepan or stock pan. Season with salt
and pepper. Puree carrots and diced remaining vegetables. You can
also puree all the vegetables if your kids prefer not eating chunky
vegetables. Add vegetables (carrots, celery, green peppers and
onions) to the meat and cook on low 5-10 minutes. Add the remaining
ingredients to the pan.
Wash and peel carrots. Cut into sticks. Place on cookie sheet and
drizzle with olive oil. Stir to coat. Sprinkle with sea salt and
toss once more.
Bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes until light brown.
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Carrot Bread Not rated yet Ingredients:
2 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup vegetable oil (I use safflower)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt