kids summer camp ebook

Kids Cooking Camp Curriculum

You can use our Kids Cooking Camp any time of the year.  These camp curricula work well for summer time, spring break, Christmas break or throughout the year as a weekend camp. They can also be used  for after school programs, Scout groups or homeschooling.

There are several curriculum units we have available right now to choose from. Each camp Ebook has ideas, recipes and step by step directions with real pictures.  You will find all of these camps in our Kids Cooking Activities Store. Here are the details of the camps we have available right now:

What do people love about our ebooks?

We have so much valuable information and recipes on our site that our readers, kids, teachers and parents can get overwhelmed. Our Kids Cooking Activities Ebooks make it easier and convenient to have a printable ebook available that has no ads and easy to teach with. I've used them myself in teaching and have added thoughts and suggestions to help you in teaching.

We just finished week 1 of kids cooking camp. All three of my children had so much fun and can't wait for week 2.
Keep up the good work- WE love your whole site! Absolutely inspiring!

7 Weeks Kids Camp Curriculum Units

The camps below are designed to teach a 7 week program held once a week. Or you can do a camp more days throughout the week for fewer weeks.

Homemade Spa Party

7 weeks of Homemade Spa Workshops

Working with Dough

Creating and Working with Dough Curriculum Unit

The kids and I just finished week one of the camp and they enjoyed it so much and surprisingly so did I. The second surprise is the bread was delicious!
~La Sonia

Spectacular Desserts

Spectacular Desserts Unit

The books look great. I teach a foods class for special needs children and the recipes look like they will be perfect.

Fun with Food

Fun with Food Cooking Camp

Rainbow Theme Cooking with Color Camp

Looks great - nice to have the photos!
Keep writing MORE!         

Larger Cooking Camp Units

These camps are larger than 7 weeks and include months of themed ideas.

Picture Recipes for Non Readers

Picture Recipes

Pre-K - Grade 1 Activities

Pre-K Grade 1 Cooking Camp

Cook with Books

Cooking with Books

USA Regional Kids Camp

USA Regional Cooking Activities and Worksheets

Seasonal Activities Camp

Seasonal Kids Camp

I have now downloaded the ebooks and look forward to "experimenting" with my kids in the kitchen!!!

Alphabet Theme Camp

Cooking with the Alphabet Camp

Growing and Cooking

Grow and Cook Camp

Bible Activities

Cook with Bible Stories

Fairy Tales Activities

Cook with Fairy Tales

The ebooks are very attractive and professionally done - it really looks good and I can see there is a HEAP of work in it.

Introduce Kids Cooking Activities with these Kids Cooking Camp Units!
camp cover

Downloadable e-Book (PDF File)

Immediately after your purchase, you can download your e-Book and start learning and cooking with the kids within minutes.

This e-Book is in the Adobe PDF file format.  You will need Adobe Reader to read these Kids Cooking Activities Ebooks. You can get it here.   Adobe Reader.

Please Note: Once you buy the ebooks and your payment is processed you will be directed to a page with a download link. You will also automatically be sent an email with the download link.  If you have any problems once you buy the ebooks or you don't receive the email, check your junk email folder. Any other problems, please contact me directly.