70 Kids Cooking Activities- Ways You Can Get Your Child Involved in the Kitchen

70 Kids cooking activities - that's what I've come up with as ways to inspire you to get your kids involved in the kitchen!  Our site is filled with 100's of cooking ideas, recipes and activities. Here are easy ways you can help your children get involved in the kitchen with you.

ways kids can cook

Some of my favorite childhood memories come from my time spent with my mom or sisters and brothers in the kitchen. I loved it when mom would ask me to stir a pot on the stove. I know my siblings love it when I ask them now to stir the stuff on the stove. My mom would also assign us different chores to do to help get ready for meal time. One person was in charge of actually making the meal while the others would have to set the table, empty the dishwasher, clean up the kitchen and so on.

What I've come to learn is that kids cooking activities don't have to just involve actual cooking. There are so many other tasks going on in a kitchen that a child is more than capable of handling. That is what this list is all about. It includes many different ideas of ways that you can occupy your child in the kitchen. And, if you want this kids cooking activities list in printable format, sign up for a FREE copy. That way you can print it off and put it on your fridge to remind you of little ways your kids can help you!

70 Simple Cooking with Kids Activities

  1. Spray with Pam the cooking pans, skillet
  2. Wipe off counters
  3. Roll cookie dough
  4. Put muffin liners in muffin pans
  5. Measure out ingredients carefully
  6. Get out the measuring cups and spoons
  7. Set out all ingredients that you need for a recipe
  8. Cut up vegetables for a salad
  9. Make a pitcher of water for the table
  10. Set out the dinner plates
  11. Set out silverware
  12. Fix the drinks for the meal
  13. Stir the pot on the stove
  14. Crack eggs
  15. Grate cheese
  16. Knead the dough
  17. Set out the mixer
  18. Set out mixing bowls
  19. Set out spices
  20. Clean the microwave
  21. Spray the counters with a cleaner
  22. Sweep the floor
  23. Mop the floor
  24. Wipe the cupboards off
  25. Clean out the toaster
  26. Butter the toast
  27. Make scrambled eggs
  28. Clean out the cupboards
  29. Clean out the drawers
  30. Organize the fridge
  31. Wash the fridge exterior
  32. Put the hot pads in the laundry
  33. Get out fresh was cloths
  34. Set out napkins for the meal
  35. Wipe off the outside of the oven
  36. Rinse out the sink
  37. Wash the dishes
  38. Put dishes in the dishwasher
  39. Dry the dishes
  40. Put big dishes away
  41. Stir the flour mixture (of whatever you're making)
  42. Stir the batter
  43. Set out the salad dressing
  44. Get out a big spoon/knife to serve the main dish
  45. Set out plates for the meal
  46. Set the timer for what needs to go in the oven
  47. Fill a pot with water if you need to boil noodles
  48. Open cans
  49. Open packages of ingredients
  50. Wipe off front of dishwasher
  51. Rinse off vegetables
  52. Rinse off fruit
  53. Wash potatoes
  54. Start the dishwasher
  55. Put groceries away
  56. Form hamburger patties
  57. Put fries on a cookie sheet
  58. Help plan out a menu for a week of meals
  59. Pour muffin batter into the muffin cups
  60. Cut out the cookie dough
  61. Drop biscuits on the cookie sheet
  62. Put vegetables in a pot to cook with water
  63. Help dish up dinner
  64. Empty the table of the dishes
  65. Preheat the oven
  66. Empty the dishwasher
  67. Soak pots and pans that are hard to wash
  68. Put leftovers in containers and put in the fridge
  69. Wipe off the spices and put away
  70. Refill and wipe off the flour and sugar containers/canisters.
So, hopefully you'll take this list and apply it to your kitchen. You'll actually probably be amazed at just how helpful kids can be in the kitchen. And you're kids are actually going to be having fun while they are helping you (they probably won't even realize that they are doing work!) It's a win-win situation for everyone. I wish you many happy times in the kitchen with your family!
kids cooking printable list
Kids cooking activities list
in printable format, sign up for a FREE copy.

Age Appropriate Cooking Tasks

While it is important to get kids into the kitchen, there are some activities that are for older kids. Just like the current board games, children who are old enough to understand what is going on should only do certain activities. These age groups may vary for different children based on experience, but here is a basic guideline for progression.

2-3 years old - Simple mixing skills using a spoon, whisk or hands, gathering supplies from the refrigerator and pantry, opening packaging and assisting with meal planning.

3-5 years old - Cracking eggs, simple heating instruction (learning what types of heat and how much are appropriate for different foods), basic chopping skills using nylon or plastic, blunt-tip knife, non-heated food prep and combining ingredients.

5-9 years old - Advanced cutting techniques, parent-assisted cooking with heat and simple meal preparation (such as pancakes, pasta or grilled cheese).

9+ years old - By this time, children should be fully functional and know their way around the kitchen and how to use various tools. At this point, your sous-chef should be fully functional.

Check out our kids cooking lessons for lessons geared towards age appropriate tasks.
Kids Cooking Lesson Manual

Teach Proper Skills

Just like with lifting weights, learning to cook should only be done progressively by learning the basics and building on them. Just imagine how you would fare if you jumped right in and tried to cook a soufflé. My guess is it would probably end up as flat as a crepe.

Learning basic skills correctly the first time will save much time and energy later in life when more complicated skills are stacked on. For instance, it would be best to learn how to rough chop before you learned how to dice; and dice before you learn how to julienne. Crawling, then walking we learn everything in life by progressions, so why not keep the same mentality in the kitchen?

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