Bean Experiments

bean experiements

These bean experiments are a hands on activity that works best with preschool age groups- elementary age.

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Soaking Beans

soaking beans Younger kids like this because they can wash the beans and play in the water. However, it is also a learning experiment for all ages as they discover what happens to the beans overnight, then cook with them and eat them in a recipe.
  1. Add 2 cups or a bag of beans to a large bowl. Cover with water several inches above the beans.
  2. Mark the spot where the beans are on the outside of the bowl with a piece of masking tape.
  3. Make a prediction. What will happen  overnight?
  4. Let sit overnight.
  5. Check where your mark is.
soaked beans
Why are the beans on a different mark?

Dry foods such as dried beans soak up water.

Learn how to cook beans and use them in a recipe now.

Bean Sprouts

You can grow your own bean sprouts. This experiment is great to eat as well as fun for kids to watch.

Make your own Bean Sprouts:

If your kids don't like cooked beans try sprouting your own beans. They come out with a much different taste and you may find a new way to get your kids to snack on something healthy. Lentils, adzuki, mung, garbanzo are all good ones to try. Beans need to be fresh and not canned and not already cooked. They should be hard and fresh when starting the sprouting process.
bean sprouts

How to Sprout Beans:

  1. Rinse beans in strainer.
  2. Add beans to a glass jar and pour cool water in the jar. The water level should be several inches above the beans. Secure a lid with a mesh top or cheesecloth. Let sit overnight.
  3. Drain beans and rinse several times. Make sure you shake all the excess water out.
  4. Place on your kitchen counter or somewhere away from direct sunlight. It doesn't have to be dark but it needs to be open to air.
  5. Every night and morning for several days continue rinsing with cool water and shaking all excess water out. This is an important step. Rinse several times and make sure all water is out to allow beans to sprout.
  6. When they have sprouted for 2-3 days they are ready to eat. Always make sure your sprouts are completely dried out and store in fridge when you are done sprouting.

Grow a Bean Plant

It is simple to grow your own bean plant. You can plant a seed in a cup of bean plant sproutingdirt and watch for it to come up. However if you'd like kids to see the root and the stem try this experiment. Fold a paper towel and place in a glass jar. Add a few tablespoons of water. Add several beans in the jar touching the paper towel. Watch for several days and add water if your paper towel gets dry.

In several days you will see the root and the stem growing.
beginning to sprout bean plant

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