Campfire Dessert Recipes

Yes, S'mores may be the classic campfire dessert recipe. However, the great thing about camping is that you don't have to follow the rules, even the rule that says you must have S'mores for dessert when you are camping. Cooking over a campfire doesn't have to limit your dessert menu. As a matter of fact, a campfire can give you some of the most amazing desserts. Here are some ideas to try.

campfire dessert

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Campfire Pastries

by Cameron (USA)
When we go camping, we make these camp fire pastries using hinged molds. We put buttered slices of bread on each half of the mold, buttered side down, and put a spoonful of pie filling from a can on one half's piece of bread. Then we close the hinged mold and it gets smashed together. Then we hold it over the fire for a while like toasting a marshmallow and after a few minutes you can open up the mold and you have a hot toasty pastry pie! Really good with a little powdered sugar.
camping cooking iron

Doughnut on a Stick

by Angel Roney (Middlebrook, Mo)
Hot and fresh over the fire!
We use cheap biscuits in a can.(Crescent dough can also be used) Start by rolling a biscuit with your hands till you get a rope. Wrap aluminum foil from the top of the stick down about 5 inches.(This will allow for the doughnut to slide off easily)
Wrap the dough rope around the aluminum foil. Cook over fire like a marshmallow. When done, roll in melted butter and then sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Icing is good on these too. Enjoy! Our kids do!
biscuit on stickcooked doughnut stick

Chocolate Fondue

by Lisa (Canada)
You need one soup can, tealight and a small foil tart tin per person. The adult takes the tin can and using a bottle opener opens 3 holes around the top and the bottom of the tin. Start the tealight, then place in the tin can.
Put the tart tin on top. Add mini chocolate chips. Let the chips melt. Then use the skewer to dip strawberries, angel food cake or grapes. I make the angel food cake before I leave for camp. You can also use pound cake.
fondue makin fondue melting

Apple Pie on a Stick

  • Red or Green apple
  • Cinnamon
  • Sugar, brown or white
Push a stick through a green apple and turn the stick over the coals of a campfire. (as you would when roasting a marshmallow). When the apple peel starts to loosen carefully peel off or have an adult peel skin off.

In a bowl mix together cinnamon and sugar then roll your apple around the mixture until evenly coated on all sides. Roast over fire for a few more minutes and let cool.
roasting applesugar roasted appleapple on stick

Easy Apple Crisp Campfire Style

Ingredients:apple crisp
  • 20 graham crackers, crushed fine
  • 1/2 cup chopped nuts (your choice)
  • 2 Tbsp white sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted
  • 1 reg. can apple pie filling
  • Heavy Duty deep dish aluminum foil pan
  • aluminum foil sheet for sealing pan
In a big bowl, mix together the cracker crumbs, nuts, sugar, then pour in the butter and mix until crumbs are moistened.
Sprinkle 2/3 of the crumb mixture into the pan, then spread the apple pie filling evenly over.
Top with remaining 1/3 of crumb mixture, making sure it's evenly distributed.
Cover pan tightly with aluminum foil.
Put pan on top of grate over slow coals and cook, moving around the grate several times during the cooking time, for about 25 to 30 minutes or until hot and bubbly.
This will make about 8 dessert size servings.
Use different pie fillings for different desserts.
apple crisp campfire

Fruit Cobbler

Simple crust ingredients thrown over deliciously ripe peaches in a cast iron Dutch oven or deep skillet will be a beautiful and delicious treat. You don't need to be in your grandmother's kitchen to enjoy this wonderful dessert. Instead, invite Grandma to your campfire and show off your own version of her classic dessert.

You don't have to limit yourself to peach cobbler, either. Bring along any fruit or cans of any pie filling, cover with crumbles made of oatmeal, raisins, flour, brown sugar, and a little butter, for a classic cobbler of any flavor. The cast iron skillet or Dutch oven is the secret to success. Top with ice cream if desired.

Banana Dessert Tin Foil

  • Banana
  • Tin foil
  • Brown sugar
  • Chocolate bar or chocolate chips
  • Tiny marshmallows, optional
Slit a banana down the middle but leave the banana in the peel. Down the slit sprinkle brown sugar, chocolate bar chopped or chocolate chips and tiny marshmallows. Wrap up in tin foil and warm in coals.
banana boat banana boat cooked

Monkey Bread

For the ultimate in campfire comfort food, Monkey Bread is a delicious way to end the day. You can make this classic treat easily by using buttermilk biscuits in a tube, cut up, then shaken with a cinnamon sugar mix and thrown into a cast iron Dutch oven. Melt up some butter and brown sugar and pour over the biscuits, then cover, and surround the Dutch oven with coals or embers and let it bake away. If you don't have a Dutch oven, use a tin foil pan and wrap tightly with a sheet of tin foil.
monkey bread
To bump this classic up a notch or two, serve with a simple icing, just like cinnamon buns. It's easy to make an icing by mixing together powdered sugar and milk or water, then just drizzle over the monkey bread after you've opened it up. Then, dig in!
iced monkey bread
Camping can provide you with the opportunity to cook up some of your absolute favorite desserts or create something entirely different. Sweet desserts cooked over the campfire, enjoyed under the stars... what a great way to end the day.

With an adult's help campfire cooking can become great memories. Go beyond the hot dogs on a stick or smores and try something a little fun and unique.

Mini S'mores

Make a traditional s'more simpler and more fun.
  • Large Marshmallows
  • Graham crackers, chocolate wafers, or any type of flat cookie
  • Bag of miniature candy bars
Roast marshmallows and place between two flat cookies and a miniature candy bar.
camping dessert recipes

Crustless Hot Apple Pie

by Tiffany ( Michigan)candy apple
  • Apples
  • Red Hot Candies
  • Tin Foil

Using an apple corer wash apples and core out seeds. Place cored apples sitting up on a 10"x10" piece of tinfoil. Fill center with red hot candies. Wrap with tinfoil and throw into a good bed of coals. Takes about 10 minutes depending on bed of coals. Cook until tender. Horray, Homemade Crustless apple pie!

S'mores Cones

  • waffle or sugar cones
  • chocolate chips
  • mini marshmallows
Add mini marshmallows and chocolate chips inside your cone. Wrap in a sheet of tin foil. Place on hot coals and cook several minutes to let the chocolate and marshmallows melt.
smores cone smores cone cooked

Campfire Cake Recipes

cake recipes
Have your cake and eat it too, while you are camping! Here are two fun ways to make cake over a campfire.

Campfire Dump Cake

cherry dessert by LINDA
  • 1 can pineapple tid-bits
  • 1 can cherry pie filling
  • 1 yellow cake mix (or whatever kind you like)
  • 1/2 cup butter cubed
Grease or spray an old pot, or a tin-foil pan to try and prevent sticking. Pour the can of pineapple tid-bits in the bottom....juice and all.
Sprinkle the dry cake mix over the pineapple. Blob the cherry pie filler around the dry cake mix.
Randomly drop the cubed butter over that.
Cover with tin-foil. Place pot in the burned down coals of the campfire for around 30 minutes (depends on the heat of the fire).

Campfire Orange "Cup" Cakes

This is an easy idea to use on your next camping trip. Bring along an orange for each person, cut in half and eat it for lunch or a snack by scooping out the flesh with a spoon. Try to keep the half orange peels intact.  This will leave the peel in a cup shape.
cake cooking
Mix cake together according to cake mix directions. (I used a spice cake which tasted great with the orange flavor) We mixed ours in a ziploc bag since we were camping it was easier this way. Either use your baggie, a jar or empty can you might have available and pour cake batter into each orange peel.  Wrap up in tin foil.

Place in campfire coals and bake about 10 minutes or until cake is cooked through.
cookingcake baked
  Unwrap and eat up!

Cake in a Can

  • Tin cans-one per person, clean, spray with cooking spray
  • cake mix in a box
  • ingredients for cake mix
  • campfire
  • long tongs to retrieve cans
cake in a can
Buy a box of instant cake mix of favorite flavor, mix up batter as directed. Fill clean soup can 2/3- 3/4 full and cover with piece of tinfoil. Place in coals in campfire and bake 5-8 minutes. Cake is done when a skewer comes out clean.
cooking in fire
When done, take off foil and tip upside down, cake usually falls out, or run knife along edge in can and that will work. You could also let cool, and eat right out of can, with jam, syrup, or packaged icing.
Enjoy reusing tin cans!

More Kids Campfire Cooking

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Find more campfire planning ideas and recipes here.
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