Besides using a butter knife or spreader and frosting the top of
your cupcake, there are a few fun ways you can learn how to frost.
Start with baking your
cupcakes. Then making the frosting recipe here on our cake decorating
page. Now your ready to practice some cake decorating techniques
with your cupcakes.
Filling Ideas
Consider filling your cupcakes with some scrumptious sort of filling
before you frost them. It's not hard to fill - and this is
something easier for the kids to do. If you have a basic piping set
you can take the large end of one of the tips, poke it into the
middle, lift out and you will have a small piece of the cake. Then,
take a small spoon and put some yummy filling into the cupcake.
If you need some filling ideas:
Lemon Pie Filling
Raspberry Jam Filling
Grape Jelly Filling
Strawberry Jelly Filling
Chocolate Pudding
Vanilla Pudding
Coconut Cream Pudding
(Pretty much any instant pudding flavor will work...)
You dont have to make any of these fillings you can buy prepackaged
jelly and pie filling and pudding If you want to be a little
thrifty though, you can make the pudding yourself by buying a box of
instant pudding and just adding milk. After filling, its time to
pull out the frosting.
Making Swirls
For cupcake swirls using a large tip is the best, some of my
favorites are Ateco tips #804 (round), #864 (star) and #846 (closed
star) or Wilton 1M.
This is my favorite set for cupcake decorating. Ateco 6-Piece Tips Set
Decorating With a Round Tip
Starting with your filled piping bag and large round tip, start from an
outside edge and you'll follow the edge of your cupcake around and
continue inside the first circle until you finish in the middle.
Added fun with a cupcake wrapper.
Star Swirl
You can make a different look to your cupcake by using the same
method above starting on the outside edge and following through to
the middle but using a large star tip.