Jell-O Cups
Colorful Jell-O Cups

Rainbow cups are a big hit with kids.
Use small clear plastic cups or glass containers that you can see the colors. Make Jell-O according to package directions. Creating one color at a time, pour small amounts into cups. Allow the Jell-O to set. Continue to pour different colors of Jell-O once the last layer has set. This will take hours, maybe even days ahead of time depending on how many colored layers you want.
**Be sure to let each layer gel before adding the next layer.
Jell-O Boats

Jell-O boats are a colorful and easy fun food.
Halve a few oranges and scoop out the flesh.
Mix several flavors of Jell-O and pour into the empty oranges.
When the Jell-O has set, cut the halves into fourths and arrange them on a serving tray.
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