Readers Curriculum
Kids Cooking Activities Ebooks
We'll help you teach kids how to cook by
creating fun adventures in the
These Kids Cooking Activities Ebooks will
provide multiple activities and lessons for kids
who love to cook.

What do people love about our ebooks?
We have so much valuable information and
recipes on our site that our readers, kids,
teachers and parents can get overwhelmed. Our
Kids Cooking Activities Ebooks make it
easier and convenient to have a
printable ebook available that has no ads and
easy to teach with. I've used them myself in
teaching and have added thoughts and suggestions
to help you in teaching.
You can find all our
ebooks, teaching materials, worksheets and
games in our
Cooking Activities Store.
I love
Kids-Cooking-Activities and your kids
lessons ebook. It not only teaches about
cooking, but about kitchen safety,
etiquette and more, all while having
fun. It's full of great recipes and
activities for every age group. It even
had lessons that I learned from. I have
4 kids ages 4-14 years and this book
covered every age at our house. All my
kids loved their lessons and we had
fun.....together in the kitchen! This
book has it all, for all my kids and me!
I have recently
started homeschooling my 8 year old and
have a 4 year old as well. I am so excited
about your books and will be starting our
first cooking lessons soon.... Can't wait!
I love the outlay and it looks easy to use
even for me (I don't really enjoy cooking
much and really just get in the kitchen,
do what I have to and get out). I have
been worried about how I am going to teach
my kids this important lesson of life and
so this course of yours is very exciting
to me.
You can find all our ebooks, teaching materials,
worksheets and games in our Kids
Cooking Activities Store.
FABULOUS! I knew by viewing your website
over the past few months that you had a
lot of what I need to perform my cooking
classes, but I never dreamed that I
would get the expertise and continuously
wonderful ideas from your books! I am
positively thrilled to death about them.
These Ebooks are Perfect For:
love to cook 
want to teach kids about cooking and good
scout leaders
wants a planned curriculum or ideas for teaching
kids to cook
activities program
How wonderful these
books that you have put together! As an
educator, having the background
information and examples is what makes
these books stand out. Usually I would
have to go searching for this information,
but you made it user-friendly and fun!!
You can find all our ebooks,
teaching materials, worksheets and games in our
Cooking Activities Store.
More Recipes Ebooks
Would you like a 7 week or 12 week kids camp
curriculum? We have several curriculum units
available right now to choose from. Each camp
ebook has ideas, recipes and step by step
directions with real pictures.
Camp themes
include Homemade Spa Recipes, Picture Recipes,
Working with Dough, Spectacular Desserts, Grow
and Cook, USA Regional Cooking and Geography,
Cooking with Fairy Tales and Bible Cooking
The two ebooks are
very attractive and professionally done -
it really looks good and I can see there
is a HEAP of work in it.
Downloadable e-Book (PDF File)Immediately after
your purchase, you can download your e-Book and
start learning and cooking with the kids within
Please Note: Once you buy the ebooks and your
payment is processed you will be directed to a
page with a download link. You will also
automatically be sent an email with
the download link.
I don't accept refunds, exchanges, or
cancellations. All sales are final. Due to all
of our products being digital downloads, once
your order is processed and download links
automatically sent to you, there is no way to
"return" a purchase.
If you have any problems once you buy the ebooks
or you don't receive the email, check your junk
email folder. Any other problems, please contact me directly.
This e-Book is in the Adobe PDF file
format. You will need Adobe Reader to read
these Kids Cooking Activities Ebooks. You can
get it here. Adobe Reader.
More Testimonials from our Buyers
About our Kids Cooking Activities Ebooks....
- This activity was very helpful especially
to some of my students who have never seen a
recipe! ~Michelle
- Great addition to any Foods lesson plan.
Brings in the literary and math areas well. ~
- My class loved this and few went home and
made the recipe...it worked!~Courtney
- I teach Life Skills at the middle school
level. It is so helpful and saves time when I
am able to purchase materials at a great
price. ~Carol
- I love incorporating cooking activities into
my math units, and these sheets are so helpful
in doing that! ~Teaching Works
- Great photos to help kids. I've been looking
for recipes like this. ~Margaret
- Excellent resource for my self-contained
autism classroom. ~Kelly B.
- Thank You! I have been wanting and needing
experiments for my life skills class and these
are just perfect. The experiments give the
kids cooking, science and kitchen experience.
- I can't wait to reinforce my lesson with
this resource. Thank you for taking the time
to create this. :) ~San G.
- YOU'RE BOOKS ARE FABULOUS! I knew by viewing
your website over the past few months that you
had a lot of what I need to perform my cooking
classes, but I never dreamed that I would get
the expertise and continuously wonderful ideas
from your books! I am positively thrilled to
death about them. ~Sheila
- Used the entire package in 2 Life skills
classes - a hit with all of the students!
~Gina M.
- Colorful Addition to my Food group unit!
~Amy H.
more reviews on our TeachersPayTeachers Store.   
Happy Cooking,

Head chef of