Kids Cooking Games
If you've ever wanted to get your child interested in the kitchen,
then cooking games are a great place to start. Not only will these
games instill a love of cooking and baking, but you can also use the
games to highlight important life skills like taking turns and being
able to accept defeat. When you start on this kind of project, make
sure that you keep the focus on the process of playing games and
baking, rather than the end result.

Try these game ideas for cooking classes, kids cooking parties or
just a fun in the kitchen family experience.
Kids Cooking Activities Teaching Materials
Make teaching easier with our activities and recipes compiled in theme sets and books with an easy to read format
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Tasting Games
The first step in getting your child interested in working in the
kitchen is to show them the kind of flavors that are available for
them to use. Kids can cook games can help them identify different
types of foods. You could play:
- Blindfold taste testing. Make
some different dishes, including some that you know that your
child enjoys. Blindfold your child and feed them a spoon of each
dish. You can get them to guess the ingredients, or merely state
their preference. This will help build trust between you, as
well as introducing them to new foods. For extra fun, allow them
to blindfold and feed you. See also our food
science experiment taste testing game.
- Memory. Show your
child a selection of foods and then ask them to close their
eyes. Feed them one piece of food and ask them to identify it.
If they get stuck, they can open their eyes and use their memory
to help them out.
Math Games
A lot of cooking revolves around being able to measure and weigh
things correctly, so playing math kids cooking games can get them
accustomed to using numbers around the kitchen. These will also help
them develop their logical thinking, which helps in learning school
subjects like math and science. Try playing:
- Guesstimate. Set a
challenge of weighing out a certain weight, like four ounces,
one pound, or a quality such as a tablespoon or a cup, of
various baking ingredients. Cover up the numbers on your
weighing scale and challenge your child to put in 100g of flour,
sugar or butter. When they're ready, take off the cover and see
how close they were. This will teach them that it's okay to be
wrong, and to get better at making accurate guesses.
- Dividing. First, make
something simple and round with your child, like a pie or a
pizza. Invite some of their friends around for dinner, and ask
your child to split the dish up so that everyone gets an equal
share. For an extra challenge, ask your child to decorate the
pizza so that everyone gets an equal amount of each topping.
Co-operative games
For kids cooking games that bring the true unifying power of working
in the kitchen try playing:
- The one handed chef.
Pick a simple recipe to make together with your child. Then
explain that each of you can only use one hand and the other
must stay behind your back. You then need to get the ingredients
ready, make the dish and serve, all through working together.
This really helps to improve communication and can be a real
bonding experience.
- One job team. This
works best when you have a team of young kitchen assistants.
Assign each of them a job that is their responsibility, such as
peeling, chopping or stirring. Then help them make the dish,
going through the process person by person. This is good to help
children think about the steps involved in cooking, and to help
them patiently wait for their turn.
- While you are waiting for your food cooking try this game with
a group:
"I made a pizza and topped it with________." Each child
takes a turn and has to remember all the previous items on the
pizza plus add one of their own toppings. See how far you can go
before someone forgets.
- Have a relay race with small or big items and kids
have to fill up muffin tins or a mixing bowl. Whomever fills
their bowl first wins.
- Set up the game by filling three bowls with cooked
spaghetti. Divide the kids into three teams - one for each
bowl. Give the first kid in the line a pair of chopsticks. On
go, the first player grabs as many noodles as possible with the
chopsticks. They run to the end of the line and drop the noodles
into a second bucket. Passing off the chopsticks, the teams race
for three minutes. Any dropped noodles are not counted. The team
with the most noodles at the end of the race wins! by
Michelle, IL
- Tell the kids to sit in a circle. Put M&Ms and cooking
gloves in the middle. Then give one of the kids the dice
and on the word GO they should roll the dice. Then pass it to
the next person as soon as the first person rolls a six they
will have to go in the middle put on the cooking gloves and try
to eat as many M&Ms as possible. The person in the middle
will keep eating them until the next person rolls a six. Then
those two people will switch places! by Julia, CO
- Our Cook Doesn't Like Peas - yes, an interesting name
for a quiet game! Have all the players, except one, sit in a
row. The person who is "it" sits in front of the players and
says to each in turn, "our cook doesn't like peas (P's); what
would you give her instead?" The player must answer with some
word that does not contain the letter "P." And that is the
catch! If the player doesn't answer at the count of five, he
must give up his turn. This game can be tricky because the words
with a "P" are bound to slip out!
More Cooking Game Resources
Party Games and Ideas
Free online games
We have many Teaching Materials, cooking and food theme worksheets
and more located in our
Readers Submitted Kids Cooking Games
Sing n Spin
by tracy blundell (london)
Sing n spin blind folded! All children sing and even move around
in a circle, whilst singing a party song i.e 'who stole the
cookie'. If the blind folded child guesses the correct name of the
child they grab at the end of the song, they take a prize from
him/her.. Supply them with a few prizes (cookies) each to play.
Whoever has the most prizes is the winner!
Who Stole the Cookie?
by tracy blundell (london)
Whilst food is cooking or simply having a break; pass the parcel
could be enjoyed whilst singing this well known 'merry little
song' who stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
Cooking Star Party
by Annalena T. (NC)
This party is perfect for young cookers. Here's the decorations:
- Tidy up the whole kitchen, dining, and living area
- Put fake or real flowers in a vase on each table, etc.
- Leave the TV on for guests in waiting room
- Lay out magazines or books neatly on a couch, table, or
- With parents help, make a huge sign/poster that says,
- "_____'s Fancy Star Restaurant" (Please note: _____ is a
blank for you to fill in your name.)
Fun games:
- Sneaky Guest Game
- Cooking Contest
- Best Baker
- Cutter's Cake
- Chop, Top, Hop!
Here's how to play...
Sneaky Guest Game
1. In each invitation there will be a card saying, "Once you arrive,
feel free to sneak in the kitchen..."
2. Each guest will sneak into the kitchen- trying not to be seen.
3. If the guest(s) DOES get seen, they have to go back to the
waiting room.
4. Do the rest!
Cooking Contest
1. Each guest will get a apron. (And possibly chef hat)
2. They'll get a recipe card and they'll have to compete together.
3. Whoever has the best food, wins a mini cook-book. (Found at
Best Baker
1. Each player/guest will be
banana bread
2. Will parents help, they each pour batter into pan
3. They'll place pan carefully in the oven to recipe's heat
4. As soon as it comes out, the best tasting bread wins.
Cutter's Cake
1. Parent slices gourmet cake for each guest
2. The guests get blindfolded and eat cake
3. Whoever doesn't make a mess, wins.
Chop, Top, Hop!
1. Chop carrots, bell peppers, and/or strawberries
2. Top each one off with your desire!
3. Hop while you top it off
4. Best look and flavor wins!
Cooking Party Game
by Tizzy
I am turning 13 and this is a game that I am having in my Cooking
You split the kids into teams of between 2 and 6. Each group is
given a list of ingredients e.g eggs, butter, sugar... They then
have to pick ingredients out of a bowl e.g. ketchup, jelly,
pepperoni... They then have to make a dish using those ingredients -
everyone has to try it!
The most important thing to remember when you're planning kids
cooking games is to give yourself plenty of time. A dish that takes
you 30 minutes to prepare by yourself will need at least an hour
with your child. The last thing you want to do is to stress you both
out with a time constraint.
Here are more
to play at a cooking party.
Do you have a kids cooking party idea, game or recipe to share?
Share with others your kids cooking party ideas. Recipes, menu ideas, games or tips on having a successful party are welcome.
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