Assistant Chef - Kids Cooking
3-6 years old -Introduction

Kids cooking lessons for 3-6 years old are often short and sweet.
Remember their attention span is short, (as if you didn't know that
already!!) so, small tasks are better. They learn about cooking by
watching, feeling, smelling, tasting and hands on experiences.
Just letting 3-6 years old Help, Help, and Help, even if it's only
adding cheese or crushing chips that go on top of a casserole, will
teach them a lot.
Our 13 cooking lesson plans include easy kid recipes and no bake
recipes for your assistant chef. All these kids cooking ideas bring
your kids one step closer to learning how to cook.
Kids Cooking Activities Teaching Materials
Make teaching easier with our activities and recipes compiled in theme sets and books with an easy to read format
Perfect for teaching!
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3 Free Cooking Lessons Plans for Children
Kitchen Safety
2- Spreading
3- Pouring
The Rest of our Assistant Chef
Lessons are available in our Kids
Cooking Lesson Manual along with extra worksheets and tips
for cooking with kids.

Lesson 4-Dinner Etiquette and Manners
Lesson 5-Peeling
Lesson 6-Practice rolling
Lesson 7-Tearing and Tossing
Lesson 8-Nutrition and Eating Healthy
Lesson 9-Practice Stirring and Making a No Bake Recipe
Lesson 10-Adding Ingredients
Lesson 11-Creating and Being Creative
Lesson 12-Practice Measuring
Lesson 13-Helping in the Kitchen
Some Appropriate Tasks For 3-6 year olds Include:
- Scrubbing vegetables and fruits
- Covering beans with water to soak
- Washing table with a cleaning rag
- Tearing lettuce
- Stirring dough
- Spreading with a dull knife or child safe knife
- Pouring ingredients
- Adding pre-measured ingredients
- Gathering ingredients
- Helping setting table
- Greasing pans
- Opening packages
- Peeling eggs, oranges, bananas
- Crushing chips, crackers, etc. for toppings

Some children will progress on different
levels. Our age groups are just guidelines. You as the adult should
judge what is and is not appropriate for the child cooking.
Supervision is key. So please show good judgment in teaching your
child to cook.
Cooking Lesson Levels:
the Kitchen, ~
Assistant Chefs, 3-6 year olds, ~Chef
Training, 7-11 year olds, ~Junior
12-15 year olds, ~Senior
Kids Cooking Lesson Plans
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