Kiwi Facts

kiwi facts
Kiwi facts and general information about kiwi.

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Kiwis are Available:

Kiwi is harvested November-March but can be found throughout the year.

How Does Kiwi Grow:

The kiwi used to be called The Chinese gooseberry. They grow on climbing vines.

What to Look for When Buying:

Kiwis should have no bruises and no soft spots. They are fuzzy brown oval shaped fruits. Buy them firm and not mushy. If needed they can ripen at home.

Storage Tips:

Store at room temperature.

How to Cook with Kiwi:

Cut the fuzzy outside away with a knife or peeler and eat as is or use in salads. You can even cut in half and eat the fruit out with a spoon. They're great fun for kids. Kiwis generally aren't cooked.

Kiwi Nutrition Facts:

Kiwifruit are full of Vitamin C.

Kiwi Recipes: 

Fruit Kabobs

  • Whole strawberries
  • Sliced kiwi
  • Peach chunks
  • Other fruits as desired
Serve the fruit on kabob sticks alternating fruit. You can also serve with plain or flavored yogurt for dipping.

Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie

French toast bread with kiwi

by Denise, United Kingdom
  • bread
  • butter
  • cinnamon
  • sugar
  • 1 pan
  • an oven
  • 1 kiwi
  • 2 small bowls
What you need to do:
1st- You need to preheat the oven on low.
2nd- You need to get out your bread and butter and butter the bread on both sides {optional}.
3rd- Get out your small bowl, cinnamon, and sugar and mix the cinnamon with the sugar
4th- Pour the mixture of cinnamon and sugar onto your buttered bread
5th- Put your bread onto your pan and stick it into the oven for at least 5 min or until your likening
You take your other bowl and cut up your kiwi and enjoy your french toast with kiwi. 

Kiwi Cooking Video: Kiwi Popsicles

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