Make Homemade Yogurt

Learning how to make homemade yogurt is not only fun it can be a
learning science experiment. You will need a crockpot, milk and a
small carton of ready made plain yogurt when making this .
Since the yogurt takes hours to sit I find the best time to start
the yogurt is around 1-2 p.m. This way it will be ready to sit
overnight around 7-8p.m. When you wake up and stir your yogurt about
7-8 a.m, it will have sat overnight for 12 hours.
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Make it Homemade
Step 1: Use a small 2 quart crock pot, turn to low and pour in 4
cups milk.
Step 2: Cover with lid and cook on low for 3 hours.
Step 3: Turn off heat and let milk sit in the covered crock pot for
3 hours.
Step 4: After 3 hours take out 1 Cup of milk and place in a bowl.
Step 5: To your 1 Cup of milk from the crock pot, add 1/4 Cup of
plain yogurt. Whisk together.
Step 6: Pour milk mixture back in the crockpot and whisk together.
Step 7: Cover the crock pot with a large blanket or towels and let
sit overnight.
By covering your crockpot you are making an incubator.

Step 8: Next day whisk and place in a plastic container. Store in
the fridge.

Use within 1 week-10 days and if you'd like to make it again, save
1/4 cup of your yogurt for the next batch.
Use your Homemade Yogurt Recipes in:
Stir into
Yogurt Soup
Fruit Dip
Greek Gyros with sauce
Yogurt Snacks
You can make a larger batch depending on if you can use the amount
of yogurt within a week.
Homemade Yogurt Maker

Science Behind
The ready made yogurt has bacteria in it that when combined with the
milk in a warm place causes the milk to ferment. The tangy flavor is
caused by this bacteria fermenting. So simply stated yogurt is milk
that has fermented. You can not make yogurt without these active
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