Papaya facts and general information about papayas.
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Papaya is Available:
How Does Papaya Grow:
On a tree in warm tropical areas.
What to Look for When Buying Papaya:
Papaya should yield slightly when pressed. They have a smooth skin
and should be mostly yellow. You can buy a little greener and ripen
at home.
Papaya Storage Tips:
Store at room temperature if papaya needs to ripen. If ripe, it
can be stored in the fridge.
How to Cook with Papaya:
Slice in half and scoop out seeds. Chop and use in salads, salsas,
main dishes or eat as is.
Papaya Nutrition Facts:
Papaya aid in digestion. They contain Vitamin C, folate, potassium,
fiber, Vitamin A and lycopene.
Papaya Recipes:
Tropical Fruit Salsa
1 Cup pineapple chunks
2 kiwifruit, peeled and chopped
1 mango, cut lengthwise in half, pitted and chopped
1 papaya, peeled, seeded and chopped
1 Tablespoon finely chopped red onion
2 Tablespoons lime juice
1 Tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
Mix fruit and onion together. Pour lime juice over top and stir in
cilantro. You can add hot peppers if desired. Chill for 1 hour.
Mix together cream cheese and marmalade. Spread mixture over a
ham slice and top with a piece of papaya. Secure with a toothpick.
Chill until ready to serve.