Penguin Party Food Ideas

These penguin party food ideas include several eatable penguin recipes that kids will enjoy creating. Create a whole penguin scene and let the kids design a dinner invitation or menu for the night.
penguin party food


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Penguin Centerpiece Ideas

  • Do your kids have stuffed animal penguins? Use them for decoration.
  • Create an igloo for the centerpiece and add toy penguins, polar bears and other animals that fit with the scenery. 
  • Use the penguin recipes you create below for your centerpiece.

Penguin Party Food Ideas

Egg Penguins

You will need:boiled egg penguins
  • Boiled eggs black olives, whole and pitted
  • carrot sticks
  • lettuce for garnish, optional
To prepare your penguins, Cut one black olive in half for his flippers. Attach flippers to the egg by adding a dot of cream cheese to each olive half. Place on sides of egg. For the head, add cream cheese to the bottom of a whole olive and place on top of egg. If having problems staying on attach with a toothpick.

For his feet, use slivers of carrot sticks and attach on into his olive head for a beak as well. If needed poke a small hole with a toothpick for inserting the carrot nose.

Mini Cheese Ball Penguins

For these littler penguins I've used a simple cheeseball recipe. However, do not roll in nuts. Then make cheese into small balls and chill several hours or until firm.
You will also need:
  • carrot circles and carrot sticks
  • black olives, pitted and whole
  • toothpicks
  • extra cream cheese or cheeseball, soft for attaching
To create these penguins, cut one black olive in half for the flippers. Attach to sides of your small balls. If needed, use soft cream cheese to help the olives stick. Cut a small notch out of carrot circles and place a dot of cream cheese on top. Place a penguin on the cheese and press into place. For his beak cut out a small piece of carrot from a carrot stick and attach inside a whole olive for his head. Add a dot of cream cheese to the top of his body and attach head to body. If needed use a toothpick to secure in place.
small penguins

Get all of our Theme Dinner Ideas in one ebook, free of ads and easier to use at parties and cooking activities with kids.
30 theme dinner ideas with recipe menu plans, decorating ideas and printable invitations all included in this 83 paged electronic book.
Theme Dinner Ideas

Eggplant Penguin

This is the easiest penguin and the cutest!.
What you will need:
  • eggplant
  • Garlic cream cheese dip or a soft spreadable white dip of your choice
  • raisins
  • carrot cut into a triangle for the beak
  • carrot sticks for feet
  • toothpicks
First you will need to cut off the end of an eggplant and then cut into two halves for the flippers. With toothpicks press eggplant halves into sides of eggplant.

flippers eggplant

Spread dip over the middle of the eggplant to create a white belly. Add two circles of dip on the top for eyes and place two raisins in the middle of the white circles.

Add a dot of dip to his carrot beak and attach below the eyes. Cut carrot stick into feet and place under the eggplant.

This would be a great centerpiece for your party!

eggplant penguin

Make teaching easier with our activities and recipes compiled in one easy to read format.

Penguin Oatmeal

Create your own penguin for breakfast like this one with oatmeal as the base and decorated with berries, bananas, and melon.
oatmeal penguin

Penguin Banana

  • orange M&M candies
  • bananas
  • melted chocolate
  • candy eyes
Directions: Melted chocolate in a microwave safe dish for 1-2 minutes stirring often until melted. Cut bananas in half and dip chocolate on the top and along the edges. Make sure you leave the middle without chocolate for his belly. Attach a beak and feet out of orange M&M candies. Add eyes.
penguin banana

More Penguin Party Food Ideas

Fish Sticks

Cut cod or tilapia fish in strips. Crush cornflakes and season with salt and pepper. Dip each strip in lemon juice and then coat each strip with cornflakes.  Place on a cookie sheet. Cook at 475 degrees about 8-10 minutes or until cooked through. See more fish recipes.

chekcmarkUse some fish ideas such as a pizza fish from our under the sea theme.
pizza fish

Penguins Cookies

Make your own Theme Dinner Party page.

Have you put together your own Theme Dinner Party? Do you have a theme menu or theme dinner idea to share? Tell us about it and we will create your own theme dinner party page.

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