Pink Lemonade Recipe and the Seven Silly Eaters Book
Seven Silly Eaters Reading Book
I love this book for cooking experiences because there are so many different recipes you can work with. Check it out from your library or buy a copy. Read the story. Then prepare the recipe for fun. This book can also start a great discussion on eating a variety of healthy foods as children in this book eat one thing and nothing else!

Please Note: This book can be a good start on a discussion on having an adult's help when cooking in the kitchen.

Pink Lemonade Recipe
Ingredients:1 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed or bottled
1 cup sugar
6 cups water
1 tablespoon cherry juice or 4-5 drops of red food coloring
Directions:Squeeze lemons, or if using bottled, pour juice, sugar, water and cherry juice or red food coloring in a 2 quart pitcher. Stir together until sugar is dissolved.
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