Adding Homeschool Cooking to your
These homeschool cooking ideas
were written by Julie, from

When you are first trying to decide
how to start homeschooling and
putting your curriculum together, you are probably thinking about
the more formal subjects such as math or languages.
But there are many useful and valuable lessons that can be learnt
from teaching skills to your children. Giving your kids cooking
lessons as part of your homeschooling program can introduce them to
a wide range of disciplines - and bring math to life!
Kids Cooking Activities Teaching Materials
Make teaching easier with our activities and recipes compiled in theme sets and books with an easy to read format
Perfect for teaching!
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How to Incorporate Homeschool Cooking in your Curriculum
There are many ways you could introduce your children to cook - it
is probably something that happens a lot in your household anyway!
Even just getting them to help you prepare a meal now and again is a
good start.
As well as day to day tasks, there are lots of opportunities to
introduce food and cooking via other subjects you may be studying.
If you are studying a period of history, why not investigate what
they cooked and ate? This can really bring a topic to life for your
children. Geography offers lots of opportunities for cooking and
recipes. Even science needn't be missed - there are lots of
experiments you can try.
Take some time to look for opportunities to add homeschool cooking
ideas within your current curriculum as well as making time for it
as a subject on its own.
Planning and Scheduling your Homeschool Cooking Lessons
Before you start, have a think about exactly what you would like to
achieve in teaching your children how to cook. Are you wanting to
simply give them a useful skill for life? Or do you want to take
things a bit further? Homeschool cooking in the curriculum could
include many related topics such as nutrition,
food safety, the digestive
system, or even cultural awareness. Would you like them to be able
to cook for friends, or become renowned for their sumptuous
desserts? Or would you like them to be confident in the kitchen
enough to take any recipe and make it their own?
Remember to take into account your children's own interests and
skill levels too. My daughter has never been much interested in food
and dislikes working in the kitchen. But she loves her dogs and
stepped up to
home-made dog treats with enthusiasm and relish!
Understanding exactly what you want to achieve will help you set
homeschooling goals that you can work towards. Be adventurous. Even
if you can barely boil an egg, you can still work with your children
to study and achieve skills together. But do be realistic in your
expectations. If you are a klutz in the kitchen - or your children
are still small - then it is going to take more than a few weeks to
achieve kitchen competency!
Break your goals into steps. What skills will you need to teach to
help your children? Food preparation? How to roll pastry? The best
way to break an egg? If you don't have those skills yourself then
take some time to research them so you can confidently lead your
children through them. Find specific recipes that will use the
skills you want to teach and work towards your goals. If this all
sounds too much, then why not start with the
lessons on this site it is perfect to use in homeschool
Make teaching easier with our activities and recipes compiled in one easy to read format.
Getting Organized to Teach
Now you have a break down of your lessons, decide how you would like
to accomplish them on a day to day, week to week basis. We have a
very relaxed
homeschool schedule and tend
not to plan out a specific timetable. But I do try to make time for
working in the kitchen at least once a week. The key to success with
this method is to be organized enough to spontaneously suggest it!
As I explain in my
free homeschool planner e-book,
I plan and organize everything for a session first. So once I have
decided on a recipe I gather all the ingredients together and plan
out the skills we will cover.
Getting everything together first will be key to your success. You
may THINK you know what you are going to do - but unless you have
fully prepared (by printing out the recipe and pulling together the
ingredients), then you may just stumble at the first hurdle. Once I
am totally prepared then I add that lesson to my 'green for go'
list! And then I can announce 'lets do cooking' whenever we have a
quiet moment.
This type of planned spontaneity works very well for us. Not for
you? No problem! Just schedule your cooking lessons in your
homeschool curriculum planner as if they were any other subject.
Reaping the Benefits of Cooking Lessons
I am sure that once you begin to include homeschool cooking lessons
in your curriculum, then you will really reap the rewards.
Children that are confident in the kitchen are often more confident
overall. It can be a very simple thing - once my children could make
themselves a sandwich and pour themselves a glass of milk they felt
they could take care of themselves. My clingy son relaxed and
stopped worrying so much about me not being there all the time.
Cooking is a part of who we are. It is science AND math AND
geography AND culture. Teaching cooking gives a rounded education
that reinforces and affirms so many other subjects - not to mention
all that weighing and measuring! It brings history alive. It gives
you a taste of other cultures.
And best of all - it's fun!
all the benefits of what kids learn while cooking.
6 Teaching Ideas Beyond the Kitchen
Tour factories. If you
are lucky to have a food factory in your area, they often will give
tours of how the factory is run.
Bakeries. Like factories
many local bakeries, if asked for a tour, are happy to give kids
this learning experience.
Restaurants. At slow
times local restaurants may also be willing to give tours of their
kitchen. This really gives those kids interested in cooking a bird's
eye view of how things are run behind the scenes.
Professional chef. Do
you have a professional chef in your area? Try looking at specialty
kitchen shops, restaurants, personal chefs or even a cooking loving
mom, dad or grandma can be a lot of fun giving a cooking
presentation or lesson.
Kitchen specialty stores. Take
a tour of a kitchen specialty shop and your kids can learn all about
different appliances, kitchen utensils and more. This can really
spark the interest of kid chefs.
Involve your kids in
shopping. Sometimes it is easier for a mom or dad to go
shopping without the kids but getting them involved can teach them a
lot about healthy food, cooking and planning meals.
More Help and Resources for How to Teach Cooking
Include these pages in your teaching curriculum.
Rules and Safety- the page includes downloads for Kitchen
Safety chart and a Food Sanitation Chart.
How to start cooking classes
What do you learn in the
Kids Cooking Lessons
Add lessons to your homeschooling
Teaching children
or adults with disabilities
Teaching Life Skills
Getting Kids
Interested in the Kitchen
Cooking Tips- tips and tricks
for cooking with kids
6 Ideas to teach
beyond the kitchen
10 Reasons for Kids To Learn
to Cook
Getting Started Teaching Cooking
Kids Cooking Lesson Plans
Follow Kids Cooking Activities